Girl makes it to the front page of IAMA claiming she got tricked into filming a porno & it ruined her life...until she gets called out for being a well known nude webcam model

You said that at a point, you were crying, so they cut to an angle where you're facing away from the camera so that you were face was hidden. Well, I'm sorry but in the video there very distinctly two sequences where you're facing away from the camera, and you are very clearly, enthusiastically participating. The entire time we can hear you making noise, and at no point is there even the slightest hint that you ever once showed outward signs that you were uncomfortable. Whether acted or genuine, we can very clearly hear you're vocalized sounds of pleasure.

I'm really sorry that you regret the experience and have clearly experienced some traumatic events in the aftermath. People are assholes. But I honestly believe, that after being disgusted with yourself and feeling an immense amount of shame, it's very possible to convince YOURSELF of a narrative that's more suited to establish yourself as a victim to make it easier to cope. I get it, I honestly do. But the fact of the matter is, throughout the video, you continually consent to everything that's happening. Whatever inner turmoil you were experiencing throughout the performance (and I believe you when you say that you felt uncomfortable during the acts) it's simply not outwardly visible. It's just not. And as scummy as these dudes may or may not be, it's very clear that you were a willing participant the entire time.

Best of luck moving on from this. If I could wish you one thing, it would be that you somehow learn to take ownership in your role in this. I think it will ultimately lead to you finding more peace than if somehow you got any sort of "revenge" on these guys. Look, I believe that you were young and naive and that they preyed upon that. But that's NOT the same thing as being coerced. You signed up for it. You went through with it. You regret the fact that they were able to convince you to do something you now regret, and now you're focusing on the predatory nature of their business in order to feel better about what you did. The only way for you grow from this event and move past this shitty event in your life is to take ownership of it. Good luck to you.

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