Girls, what turns you away from guys?

/+I had this one guy get all pushy with me the day after a break up and then try to deny that he was trying to sleep with me.

I went over to his place where his mom lived and we watched a movie and talked, and then I went home. Then after while we were talking on messenger, sure enough he's all "I would've liked to have sat closer to you..." and I'm like "...great, knew that shit was coming! I can never just be a god damn platonic friend" I didn't say that though. My stupid ass was lonely as fuck and my self esteem is shit so I kept talking to him, wishing I wasn't too old and less gullbile for this shit.

He arranges a cuddle date I stupidly agree to (did I mention I was lonely? Plus I'm no catch at all, and no that's not my self esteem talking, just trust me) and in the time leading up to it, asks me repeatedly if we can kiss and keeps pathetically whining about his small penis and how lonely he is after his girlfriend who he PUBLICLY shamed all over his facebook for having a low sex drive, just "randomly" left him.

Eventually after a few days of his whining and me telling him that I'm just not ready or in any place to be with him, I ask if we can hang at his mom's house so there can be somebody else nearby in case he trys being shady and oh, of course he doesn't want to do that, then he flips out at me for being "sexist", trying like hell to gaslight me. Yeah, I'm totally a bitch for thinking that someone that clearly can not take no for an answer and wants to cuddle me alone with no one around is up to no good. Then he said I'm not worth talking to and I blocked him.

I've been "friends" with that POS for about 8 years at the time that occured. He's not the first person to just blatantly not give a fuck and try to use my broken heart to get in my pants and that and many other incidents have me where I'm at the point of wanting to fucking injure a dude if he makes me say "no" again more than once.

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