This is going to sound like a total first world problem, but I'm incredibly bored with my life and I feel like I'm wasting my youth.

Yeah, you're losing there. Next stop is getting pregnant and getting dogs or cats. Those 'll really help your problems. You might want to just get the hell out of there before you're 40.

If you're a girl, 30 you're done. So you've got 5 years before you're finished. lol. You've got a choice now, put up with this and be doomed or fix it. Sounds like you'd rather things be exciting instead of this bland losing that will only continue. Throw in some kids and dogs and you're done.

Kids and dogs, now you really can't go anywhere. Better wake up before you're at that stage. This is your last chance to get out of this happening, next stop. Stop after that, death. lol. I hope you had fun with it.

See, when you're at that stage and ask yourself, did you have fun with it? You'd go no. And that's because you didn't get out of it right now. You can keep going the way it is, well that's what'll happen. If you get out of it, you have a hope in hell of having fun instead. Right now, nope it's kids and dogs and then dead.

If you get out now, you might meet a rich man. But that would only happen on either coast. Not where you're living now. You really need to not worry about this "boyfriend" right now. They're replaceable. Next stop with that guy is, you guessed it, kids and dogs and that's when the fun is over with. Look at any women in that situation, look at the look in their eyes. That's the look of, there's no more fun any more, it's only misery.

So your choice, be one of them or have a hope in hell of a better life with that possible rich man.

I can just picture how that relationship is going with this boring boyfriend. Does he pretty much do everything you want him to do just so you get along and there's no arguements? This guy's pussy whipped, I guarantee it. Doesn't sound like there's any going around and doing fun stuff. Just a whole bunch of "yes dear". I'm just picturing this life of yours and it's boring. What have you got to lose? More of this until you're dead. If you leave, yeah it may be rough but right now it's eventually death, after a boring life and that's it.

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