I got scammed by a taxi in auckland last night, wildly overcharged for a short ride. It turns out they do this often and prey on drunk people late at night. I'm determined to get my money back a put a stop this bullshit. I need some legal advice.

If people don't like driving for uber they can always not drive for uber.

And that is happening more and more often as uber drivers go broke and have their vehicles repossesed becase of the company's deceptively low pay. The key word there is deceptive. People are getting into debt they can't pay and it can fuck their finances up completely. There's countless stories of it happening, if you search uber+repossessed you will find them. You can say they made a poor financial decision, but end of the day uber told them they'd be earning phat cash.

Uber is piggybacking off paying workers subsistence wages at no liability to the company until it can outsource them to robots. If there were a UBI and people didn't need jobs and living wages to feed their families i could get behind the uber service, but end of the day uber is cannibalizing it's workers and taking business away from taxi services while doing so. To me there isn't really anything to disupute regarding uber's business practices being unethical, it's all plainly obvious. They fought bitterly against their workers being recognised as actual employees in the UK and they're still trying to appeal the decision. I don't know how people in the UK can continue working for them after the directors fought so hard against giving them basic rights.

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