We Got U.S. Border Officials to Testify Under Oath. Here’s What We Found Out.

Yeah you are right. I have a different opinion than you so fuck me right?

No where, did I say it wasn’t messed up. I do think it is more messed up that Google and Facebook and many more tech companies are becoming more powerful than governments. They have more information on us then we can even realize because it’s not just the simple data but metadata they have.

I am simply saying, if they can stop someone who is doing illegal things, for example, a human trafficker that would not be the worst thing.

Technology companies have gotten an easy pass for capturing all this data about us for so long but so many people only throw up red flags when they hear the government is taking my information. Well, guess what they do it anyways... And one thing that the vast amounts of information that technology has provided me with is some people need their stuff looked into. Yeah it’s personal, but you should already know that stuff is known about you from companies all over the world.

Sorry, I did not clarify it enough for you. Here you go.

Yes it is wrong, but it might catch some bad people.

/r/technology Thread Link - aclu.org