The Great North American Purge NA CS

Assuming you're the real Ksharp, if you don't mind explaining, I have a not-so-quick question for you. I know you're not really active anymore, but you must have at least played with some of the newer NA pro teams/players. Even back in 2012 or 2013.

Do you see any difference in mentality, play style, practice, or attitude in CSGO than when you were playing? It was truly a different world. Skill ceiling was lower, prizes much smaller, and the scene wasn't really on the mainstream map.

Still, people in this sub often talk about all this lack of motivation, bad habits, or bad attitudes. I'm just wondering if you think this is true at all. Is moses spot on in this video, or do you see other problems with NA teams today?

I'm rambling now you can't stop here.

Moses is mainly pointing to a sort of "brain drain" that similarly occurs in developing nations. Where the best leave their country for better opportunities. I can't help but think there are other factors at play here. CS is no secret. Practice and training regimens are no secret. Learning the game can be as simple as watching others or your own team play. Sure, there's merit to having experienced leaders teaching up and comers, but CS is not exactly a hard science.

I mean, you guys all figured out how to play and win back in the day without external support. There were no European coaches to come to NA to teach you guys to break bad habits. We even have experienced coaches like Warden to pass on information. I'm just not so sure if the brain drain (talent drain) can explain all of it. I know competing at anything in a professional capacity is hard, but it's not so hard that it can't be learned. It just seems that a mentality has changed and I can't help but think that ESEA and a pug culture has had a hand in that.

I'm sorry to tag you, but /u/jmosesot do you have any will to further slam out a text book like me? This whole period of "rebuilding" just seems like a perpetual cycle of defeat. NA has had a poor two years in CSGO. I know it takes time to develop new talent and make teams, but two years really seems like enough time.

Are you sure that the leadership problem isn't a lack of leadership, but lack of support for leadership? This could just be my experience as a bad pleb, but as a competitor in mid-tier leagues the IGL role in NA is severely overlooked and undervalued. Leadership is something that can be learned, but very few want to learn it.

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