Gruesome video of dog chewing man's face shows he was sitting in his home with his hands up when Utah police ordered the K9 to attack

There's too many bias views for both side of the debate. Most people here are either cop haters or lovers. Did he deserve to have his face chew up, no. Did his own action lead to this altercation, yes. So this is my take on it, first he shouldn't of burn a Christmas tree, seriously. Second when the cops came he should of comply with the command, if he was too scared, get into a position where its super obvious you don't have a hidden weapon. For everyone who said well he didn't. How would the cop know that during that situation. No responsible person is willing to risk their own lives and others on a maybe. Third, the cops could of handle this situation a lot better. There is always room for improvement in everything. The job of a police officer also include trying to make an arrest with the least amount of force used. They could of gave direct instructions, like lay on the ground with your head behind your head, since the suspect pointed out he was too scared before they bash down the door. Fourth k-9 units are also can also be on patrol and if they are near the Scene they can respond. We get to heated up and passionate, which is great and what I really like about people because in the end we all "kinda" care for each other, but we forget in most of these stories there was a crime committed, the cops dont just show up and be like yeah today is a good day to shot someone, somebody did call 911. We people tend to make comments base on "a bird's view". We obviously can see a bigger picture but it Doesn't mean we know and feel! what was going on at that time 100%. Well in the end we can all agree to disagree if anyone get too offended here. Also sorry for grammar(phone)

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