Guess who no longer works at home.

It depends on where you live. But some places say that you are on the clock while doing a commute greater than your regular commute.

So if they are suddenly asking you to go to a new location different than regualr locstion of work, and they don't want to pay for faster transport, then depending on the laws in your area, you might have just been granted lots and lots of overtime.

It is not actually all that common for an employer to know or care about all the labor laws. And not paying you on time because they misunderstood the laws ... again depending on the area, you might now be making triple your oriignal pay.

Sorry that you will spend so much time walking, but the plus point is lots of extra money.

And if you can't walk 60 miles a day, again depending on the area, they might need to make reasonable accommodations or else fire you. And remember, this is a physical ability (walking 60 miles a day) that I bet they didn't disclosure earlier.

And yes, it does sound like they want to fire you without having to suffer the consequences of being obvious about it.

So expect them to find other ways. I don't know your area, so don't know the laws but I would worry about communicating with them while you are "off the clock," because they will try to use more than 100% of your "free" time creating extra hurdles if you let them.

Come on. If they moved your job site to an island surrounded by sharks where only one toll bridge existed and it cost a million dollars to cross, would it be your fault if you failed to show up without their assistance?

Morally this is the same thing. Only the scale is different. If they moved your job to Mars they should pay. The only question is whether your local laws are reasonable.

/r/antiwork Thread