Guy shoots hydromorphone+methamphetamine then procedes to ramble incoherently about how focused it makes him.

One of my friends unfortunately jumped out of a second story window, two times... while tripping on this shit we called Pandora. Not real L but some RC of some sort, don't remember exactly what is was, but it gave you crazy visuals but played with your head a little too much. We were all trippin and he stood up, declared he was going to jump out the window and as we're all like "what hahaha" he gets up sprints towards the window and superman dives out of it. We all jump up, run down the stairs, and go to check on him too see if he's alright. He walks over looking fine and acting normal and is just like, "what's up guys" with a smile on his face. We take him back to the apartment and ask him to lay down on the bed and just chill out. He does. But 5 minutes later he gets up, sprints, and jumps out another window. This time he got really hurt. He was bleeding everywhere because the glas from the window sliced open his forearm. Then proceeded to take off his clothes and run around swinging at people in the apartment complex. I go get my car to take him to the hospital and is going nuts banging my windows and hitting my friend who in the front seat. I told my other friend to put the child lock on the door so he wouldn't jump out. Well he didn't. As I'm going 40 mph the kid jumps out and bounces and rolls about 20 feet. I thought he was dead but he got right up sprinted up to my car and banged on my hood then took off into the forest. We ended up calling 911 because we didn't know what to do. We were all covered in his blood and my car was soaked in it. We called his mom told her what happened and she came to help look for him. They found him in a ditch eating dirt an hour later. He broke both of his forearms, 4 fingers, two toes, and broke some vertebrae in his back. This all happened when we were all tripping nuts. One of the most traumatizing moments of my life. I'm not saying psychs are dangerous but everyone's brain chemistry is different and you never really know how some people are going to react. Regarding opiates, yeah, opiates are wayyyy more dangerous then psychs.

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