Feeling like shit

Agreed. I said as much in my own response, but I think he should at least be aware of rhabdo so he can look for worsening symptoms. It sounds like urine color is normal but that doesn't totally rule it out. I'm also a little concerned about the tingling in the right hand and I'd at least be keeping an eye out for compartment syndrome; I could see both occurring as a result of his friend putting an untrained person through some dangerous routine.

Hopefully he sees my response but I'll go ahead and put it here as well. Compartment syndrome 6 p's: pain (out of proportion with injury or typical workout), pallor (pale and/or shiny skin), parasthesia (tingling and numbness), pulselessness (would expect this later on not at first), poikilothermia (injured limb cooler), paralysis (later on).

DO NOT EXERCISE FOR NOW, OP. Keep an eye on things for the moment, and do not put yourself at further risk until you see if anything progresses or if you improve in the next few days. Look up rhabdo and compartment syndrome and if you begin to see more consistency with either or both, then go get medical help immediately. It is absolutely unsafe advice to tell you to work out until you stop reporting concerning symptoms.

/r/Fitness Thread Parent