You guys ever convince people they're wrong, only to realize you were, then have to un-convince them?

Yesterday I got into an argument with my gf because I said she was driving recklessly. She took it very personally and got really upset and made something petty into a bigger fight. I tried to just forget about the argument and enjoy our day. Instead she kept insisting that I didn't care about her feelings. It's was extremely frustrating, I let her know I care about her and don't want anything to happen and gave her a hug. She demanded that I apologize. I of course did not want to feed into this behavior so I let her know I honestly did not think I did anything wrong. That her self image of a good driver is getting hurt and that's making her upset. She insists that I don't care about her feelings and that I only like to be right. I tell her the truth I don't care if I'm right I like getting to the truth. That she's acting insecure if you are getting upset over this. After arguing for a while and yelling at each other I finally tell her, she has a point. If someone says something that is legitimately mean and hurts your feelings they should apologize even if they didn't have bad intentions. Sadly I don't agree what I said was bad enough to go cause this big of a fight. She agreed with me and started crying. I told her of course never want to hurt her feelings. Later in the afternoon she came over, we fucked out brains of 6 times. Anyways I am happy to be wrong when finding the truth. I could of said sorry and been done with the argument but it wouldn't have been honest. I stuck it out and helped her see what I was seeing using her argument.

/r/entp Thread