Why do you guys not want kids?

This is not /r/childfree/

Use caution when assuming all men here think alike. There's an "O" in MGTOW. What's right for me may not be right for someone else.

Personally, I wanted kids. I had kids. I was actively involved in their upbringing. I like to think I was a good dad.

What's absolutely the big fucking elephant in the room is Family Court. There's a reason they put metal detectors at Family Courts. I've never been arrested for anything -- certainly not child abuse or neglect -- but I've had my children taken from me. It seems unAmerican somehow. In my case, the judge even dictated what I could and could not say to my own children. IANAL, but that seems to be a First Amendment violation (in addition to the many other rights fathers lose in Family Court).

If I could go back in time, I would NOT have children -- at least not in America with an American woman. It's not worth the heartbreak. Plus, now I get to spend the next 15+ years paying for kids I never see.

Fatherhood is great. But fatherhood in a country where a Family Court judge has the unlimited ability to ruin your life, take your kids and take your money? Fuck that. Fuck the system. They want my kids to be fatherless? Fine. Fuck society. Let it all burn. Let them all live with their shit Feminist progressive society bullshit. MGTOW.

/r/MGTOW Thread