Do you want guys to plan the date?

Now that I think about it, most of the dates I've had in the last two months were dates I planned.

I use the term "dates" loosely - I'm the one who decided where we would meet (at a bar near my house, so I didn't have to spend $20+ on an Uber) and what time (since I needed to shower, etc). I don't think one guy was the one who decided on the location or day/time. They always threw it back to me "when are you free? where would you like to go?"

I appreciated this, mostly because I really did not WANT to spend $20 on Uber every few days for dates, and I knew the locations we were going and some of the staff, so I could make a quick exit (which happened more than once... having the backdoor by the bathrooms is so convenient!)

I appreciate the guy throwing out ideas though. Dates should be a compromise. If it's annoying for the girl to get to the date, it's not going to be a good one. But if you have a really good idea, throw it out there. The worst thing that can happen is that she's going to say she doesn't want to drive that far or doesn't like that place, and she can counteroffer. Doesn't mean the date's going to be off table.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread