Guys please, please help support this guy, he's considering suicide.

If someone on that site would like to post for me. This is what I would say.

Someone from another site asked me to respond to this thread. I honestly don't know if I believe all of it and this could be a complete waste of time. All I ask is that you please read and consider what I say. You did ask for trolls and insults so you could at least listen to a little advice and comfort.

For one, if you are Christian and believe in God, how are you ever alone? Do you not know that God is always there for you? All you have to do is ask in prayer for his help with a sincere heart and he will give it to you. Instead though you turn to porn, which is fake and only adds to your loneliness. You might feel relief for a moment with it but really all you do with porn is isolate yourself even more from the world.

Do you really believe you have the worst situation in the world? Cause how dare you say that. Your parents may not coddle you and be kind to you, but in some way they care about your situation. At least you have parents or ones that care about you. They could have dumped you on the street when you were 18 but instead they let you live there and they actually try to help you by yelling at you. Of course that is a terrible way to help but that's a pretty common thing.

You think you're the only one addicted to porn? Or that you are the only one with social anxiety, heavy depression, or learning disabilities? Guess what, that's pretty damn normal these days. It took me 10 years just to get my bachelors, so failing at the age of 19 is a bunch of bull shit. I paid for school myself. I know a girl that had to get a restraining order on her own mother. She has managed to live on her own and go to community college despite having a lot of social anxiety and learning issues.

Committing suicide might seem like the easiest option and that everything will disappear when you die. If you do believe in hell, you might want to think about what your own hell will be. Do you think you will forget this life when you go to hell for suicide? News flash, going to hell will change nothing. You will be stuck in the exact situation you are currently in, for eternity. Instead of ending it all, you would actually be extending your current hell forever. Suicide isn't a reset or restart button in a video game, its you now have to live your failure over and over again for eternity.

So here is the good news, you are 19, just barely starting life and getting to know yourself. If things are as bad as you say, how could it possibly get worse? Once you hit rock bottom, there is only going up. People are more compassionate than you think. Have you not seen that the majority of people responding to you in this thread aren't insulting you or trolling you? People care, and if you reach out to real people in your life they will help and befriend you. Tell your parents exactly what is going on and ask them for help. They will probably need to see a counselor with you since they may lack the knowledge of how to deal with your problems. Go to /r/nofap on reddit and read about people that are struggling with and succeeding on beating the same problems you deal with every day. Better yet, get off the internet for 3 months. I promise you that if you do that, your life will get better. Sorry for the tough talk parts but I believe that you can come back from this.

/r/NoFap Thread Parent