Do you guys think it's smart to pursue a career you wouldn't need your degree for?

I don't have any suggestions, since I'm struggling with this myself, but maybe I can share some of my thoughts :)

I have a bachelor's degree in a science/tech field, but as much as I love computers, I really can't get myself to love my job. I work at a large corporation. I sit in a cubicle all day. It's not the worst thing in the world, and it pays very well.

On the other hand, ever since I was in elementary school, I've wanted to be a 4th grade teacher. I love planning hands-on projects, teaching, and being with kids. It's my dream job.

The thing is, if I pursue teaching, I would be taking a huge pay cut. I currently make 85k. Teachers around here start at about $35-40k. I really can't justify that, especially considering the cost of my undergraduate degree.

So I think my plan is the build up some savings, then in a few years, I'll pursue a teaching accreditation. And in the meantime, I've helped start a volunteering group at my company that goes to underprivileged elementary schools nearby to teach kids about science and technology. :)

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