Guys this is it. Tax return money coming! (No joke I made too much last year)

I am not disputing your comment as I am not an expert on this topic. Just wanted to reply to this:

there several dozen countries you can move to where you don't have to pay any taxes

I lived in Dubai (UAE) which is tax free and the public infrastructure and standard of living is much better than many/most western countries. And, Dubai doesn't rely on oil to make money because it has very little oil in the first place. Most of their revenue is from business and tourism. Yeah, before you say, the human/women/religious rights etc etc have much to be desired but life in general there is easy.

Personally, I am not against paying taxes. But, from what I see, many governments are unjustly robbing hardworking people with the high percentage of taxes so that you spend most of your lives in debt as a literal slave.

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