Had a rough week, CC tell me about someting positive that happened to you this week too help me cheer up.

Nothing special happened, but a couple moments with my friends where I was laughing so hard I was in tears. They really weren't important moments and probably seem pathetic, but honestly, the moments like that are what make me keep going.

On Wednesday we built a tower out of our binders at lunch, to block the view my friend had of her ex-girlfriend and our former friend hugging at a table behind us. It worked, but it was almost falling over and a teacher came over and looked at us like we were crazy and told us it probably wasn't a smart decision. We took it down but we were laughing so hard because our lives are such a mess and we don't even know what we're doing anymore.

In social studies one of my friends and I were done so we were discussing Hamilton. Our other friend, the only one out of us who isn't obsessed with Hamilton, got frustrated with us and told us to "just talk about the election or something." So my friend and I looked at eachother and at the same time said "The Election of 1800!" (a song from Hamilton) Then we were laughing for a few minutes and couldn't stop, so our teacher asked us if we were okay. She looked at us like we were crazy, but to be fair, she's the one who got us into Hamilton.

We were waiting to be dismissed from class once, so I grabbed my friend's guitar book and put it on my head. My other friend knocked it off my head. Our one friend who seems to get annoyed whenever we do this asked what was wrong with us. I can't remember who, but one of us said "everything." This threw us all (except the friend who asked) into a laughing fit, and I was laughing to the point where I couldn't breathe. My best friend asked if I was okay and I said "no." Of course this made us all laugh even harder.

All my friends have health together this marking period. Meanwhile I'm left alone in gym. Normally I'd at least have them to talk to in the locker room, but since I don't this marking period I usually wait by the door when I'm done changing. This girl from my classes last year commented on how "IaniteThePirate, you look so lost without Abigail." Abigail's my best friend. On the way to lunch the next day, I mentioned this to her and followed it with "She's probably not wrong." I don't remember what Abigail said to that, but we were both in tears from laughter for the next three minutes.

Then at lunch Katy said something about how she thinks I'll be the next one in our group of friends to start dating. Then she said "No wait, it'll be a tie." Then she started panicking for whatever reason and dragged another of our friends to the bathroom with her. While she was gone, one of our friends said, "So she thinks it'll be a tie between IaniteThePirate and...? I wonder who?" So Abigial and I just looked at eachother and started cracking up.

Our friend who said that is nice, but kinda clueless. The friend who said she thinks it would be a tie is very open about how she thinks Abigail and I should date... Our friend who's a bit clueless would be totally fine with that, if it were to ever become a thing, but because Abigail and I are both girls, I don't think it really occurs to her it's a possibility...

This kinda turned into a long, pointless about my week I guess. But even though overall my week was kinda crappy, these little moments make it worth it.

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