Hai just tweeted about diamond being toxic in NA

The whole point of this isn't about what febiven meant, nor is it about how joking Hai was being with his behavior. It's the fact Hai flipped him off following a remark at a professional event The precedent Riot maintains is that this isn't acceptable behavior.

Yes he was fined for a obvious reason. You said it yourself, Riot would fine anyone for doing that. So it isn't surprising he was fined for a offensive gesture. Riot has done it in the past and will do it again.

It's not about Riot's sensitivity its about pro players being the face of League of Legends. Riot will uphold them to a standard when they are competing, just like every other professional sport.

Sure behavior like this is fine in a lot of social circles, but plenty also find it childish and offensive. They are competing and working. It doesn't matter for two shits if you think the behavior is fine, Riot is trying to grow a industry and not having high standard makes it all the easier for every other media outlet to dismiss esports as a fad for childrens game

It doesn't matter what you think the "perfect response" is or the "normal thing" to do in a interview is to "dig at how they play". Your opinion isn't going to effect the scene. Your not going bring in investors or backers if you can't show you can't control player behavior because they are representative of the org they play for.

Stop with all this bullshit being mindblown and unable to fathom a disagreeing opinion. It's dumbass keyboard warrior arguments trying to dismiss the other person by belittling them and dismissing their opinion by saying your counter opinion like it makes it a fact proven wrong. I done with this dumb shit.

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