It's happening. "Equal representation" is being pushed in "historical" tabletop games now.

And the reason women's hockey has such a small audience compared to male hockey is because hockey is a highly physical sport, and women's hockey rules generally prohibit the kind of aggressive contact play that gives hockey its atmosphere. Women's teams can still be quite good, but they're not truly playing the same game. There are differences between the genders, feminists just need to learn to accept that. Men on average are bigger, stronger and tougher, that's why their hockey play can be so much more violent. It's why the world's best female boxers are only competitive with third-rate male boxers. There are other sports where women are competitive in drawing an audience, such as figure skating or skiing.

Not everything is equal, and the free market isn't supposed to distribute money equally. The audience prefers hockey to be tough, and so that's where the money goes.

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