Hard to find a good trapper

There's different ways to play, and people have different expectations. What's more infuriating is people who don't talk, don't ping the monster if they see it, and don't listen if you ask them to do something.

The entire team has to coordinate to actually get the monster in the dome. It's not solely on the trapper to dome him. If you think it is, you're likely going to be fighting and losing to stage 2's and 3's.

On following daisy- a good trapper doesn't follow daisy everywhere, just uses her as a rough guide to get the general direction of the monster. If you can hear the monster rampaging around just behind that wall, why follow daisy? I was in a game with some Brit who only followed daisy. If I hadn't known this was how he was gonna play, I might have selected a medic other than caira, and he would never have caught anything in his dome. If I didn't give him the movespeed from caira's ability, he would never reach the monster. When I went monster, it was easymode to just outrun him and stage up.

You can chase a monster around a map for ages if he has movespeed and give him free evolves unless you use your brain and try to cut him off BUT, a good monster will see you coming and cut back the other way, unless you split trapper & support, assault+medic. You might be able to stay together if you all stack tightly, and pop caira's movespeed buff with the support's invis.

The support needs to invis the trapper if you want to actually get a dome on a monster with movespeed.

In order to drive the monster to the trapper and support or waste traversals, the assault and medic need to loudly announce they are coming, by shooting into the air in the monster's general direction. A Monster probably thinks the trapper and support are behind them, so when it cuts back the other way, it will run into the (hopefully invis) trapper and support, who get the dome.

Solo queue is rough, so it's probably better to just take movespeed, griffin, toss the dome and harpoon the thing, incase your team can't handle the above. Then keep your fingers crossed and hope the fight goes well.

/r/EvolveGame Thread