Harper calls laws against cross-border beer-buying 'ridiculous'

I did not say shit about people being ignorant, or post a data set.

The vast majority of the tax cuts were passed in Parliament before any Canadian politican even started talking about a recession. Prior to the recession, the CPC had already taken Canada from a structural surplus to a structural deficit. Prior to the recession.

We have been accumulating more debt for years after the worst of the recession because of this structural deficit. And they are only close to ending it because of an upcoming election -- and I say close because the second they were close, they said fuck it and introduced income splitting instead.

Tax cuts absolutely cost Canada. We have social programs that continue to exist and if unfunded by taxes, become funded through debt. Debt absolutely costs Canada. Every irresponsible decision the CPC has made means more money being taxed from future generations to pay debt-servicing. It's not more money in the hands of Canadians -- it is future generation's money being taken by the current generation.

Debt is bad. Debt absolutely makes sense when stimulus is required, but structural deficits are bad. The CPC campaigned on turning a structural surplus into a structural deficit and now revisionists like yourself want to pretend the structural deficit had to do with the recession. It didn't. At all. All the recession did was increase the debt that the CPC was going to accumulate anyway -- but they were going to accumulate debt. That's why they continued to after the recession. That's the point that you will happily ignore.

The ignorance is pretending the CPC are sound fiscal managers or anything but irresponsible. They campaigned on choices that would create a structural deficit; they governed in a manner to create a structural deficit; and then people like yourself pretend it was because of a subsequent recession, not their fiscal irresponsibility.

It's annoying as fuck that in 2015, politicians are still not responsible for doing exactly what they said they would do.

/r/canada Thread Parent Link - ctvnews.ca