Hate crime charges filed against 4 in torture of teen

They're young adults. And they make stupid decisions.

I'm sorry, but if you think they're mature enough to understand the commitment involved in joining the army/air force/navy/whatever, then they are mature enough to understand that kidnapping and torture is bad and that certain statements involving race are hateful and inflammatory.

What's next? "Your honor, we know they killed him after stabbing him multiple times, but people make mistakes. This shouldn't ruin their lives."

They're old enough to have a gun put in their hands, sent overseas and ordered to kill people, with the law and the government saying that they're old enough to understand the implications of killing people, either in war or maliciously.

Fuck. These. Assholes. And any other asshole who does this. Set an example, make the precedent. If a white/hispanic/asian/middle eastern group kidnaps & tortures a white/hispanic/asian/middle eastern person (mentally disabled or not) while chanting "Fuck whites/hispanics/asians/middle easterners!" it's a racially motivated hate crime and should be treated as such.

/r/news Thread Link - abc7chicago.com