Having kids with someone who has bad genetics ?

I think all of those things are barely genetic, if at all. You could raise your children not to have any of those traits, if wanted to. To quote Mewtwo, 'the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.' Things like materialism, and impulse control aren't exactly genetic traits, those are and can be worked in and out throughout a person's life. If you raise them to be intelligent, disciplined people, then they likely will be. Those traits can and are shaped, but they are not immediate birth genes.

I advise you to do some research around what is genetically transferrable and then come to a decision. Although fair, that'd be pretty awful to be told someone doesn't want to be with you because your genes aren't good enough, right? Don't give up based on what you think you know. Maybe some other redditors can give you a second opinion.

Good luck either way.

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