Hawaii becomes first U.S. state to place gun owners on FBI database

Maybe I worded that weird; I own a gun that I keep upstate and have a big family up there, but I live in New York City and was born and raised and went to college there and yada yada. And yeah, I'm really not making this stuff up!

I know! Really! Yes really!

And look I'm not one to say "screamed at the to of their lungs" lightly. I was riding the subway as a little kid in the early 1990s. Man have I witnessed some really epically crazy yelling. I mean, also, mind you, I was born pretty much the EXACT year that it became illegal for teachers to hit kids in NYC (may have been earlier in public, but I think private was 85...) and yeah. Whoa. The impotent rage that comes out of a history teacher who's been slapping the crap out of shitty children for 25 years and suddenly has to like reason them into not being horrible little fucking psychopaths...

I digress. But ummmm yeah. They're definitely dicks. Totally. Unbelievable, unmitigated dicks. But what's behind it is really well... it's a moral certainty that I've always found terrifying, whatever the origin of it-- and not just a certainty about guns being bad and the other side being wrong, but the other side being dishonest, and just an inability to accept ernest, rational support of the 2nd amendment; this need for it to be a kind of racism and reactionary politics bullshit, because yeah. I don't know.

And yeah I think it's like a lot of other types of like crazy mental prejudices in that the affected people aren't necessarily welcome around the sort of parties where those prejudices are freely expressed and yeah, that there are just so many varieties of fucking nonsense prejudices when people start drawing up lines between themselves and other people that you might not well understand that you're like a different group to these other people, but to them... it's a thing, and it's mutual, and YOU fucking started it. If that makes any sense. I'm not fully sure I'm ever being coherent at this hour of morning. And I'm pretty sure I got off topic there somewhere...

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