Do you think he is hacking? Cybergamer AU

I just want to comment how badly this has been handled.

After nothing was done with the dispute, which i am 100% behind btw (this player is known for shooting through walls exactly where you are, without intel), there were some rule changes made, by/involving the accused. (he is an admin) Two additions basically said that you couldn't make disputes with little evidence, and that disputes that the admins decide to be 'weak' or 'useless' will be removed. ( )

So the team of the disputer decided to quit Cybergamer, and they posted on the forums saying so, including a link to all relevant information.

The forum post was removed for 'inappropriate content' after about 10 minutes, and the person who posted it got banned. Now, the accused has said that he doesn't have admin powers over forum post/accounts, and I'm not saying he's lying, but I'm not saying he's telling the truth. What he did say was that the CEO of his organisation requested that the post be taken down due to 'witch hunting', and the main admin agreed, and also banned the poster's account.

This is stupid on so many levels.

Firstly the dispute, which for some reason could have been deleted/interfered with by the person it is about was dragged out by the admins, and as far as I know has been denied or is still pending, and this decision would almost solely come from the fact that the accused is an admin. (it also could have something to do with the CEO, but unlikely.)

Secondly, the rule changes, which the accused either created or had a hand in creating, straight-up imply that they considered the dispute as weak and lacking evidence.

Thirdly, the forum post was removed and the account was banned for one of two possible reasons:

1, that the accused removed it due to it being about him

2, that the admin bent to the CEO's will and removed a topic that was well and fair not a witch hunt and contained tons of evidence, not just about the player cheating but the team playing in an unsportsmanlike fashion.

Link to the removed forum post:

Link to banned account:

Proof banned account posted removed post:

TL;DR Player who is admin may be hacking, other admins are shitty.

signed, me, MorTe

/r/Rainbow6 Thread Link -