Hear me out: On the heels of the salary leaks, I think a skilled reporter could write a damn good piece showing Mormon corporatism by comparing the Seventh Day Adventists to the Mormon church…am I crazy?

I am ex-Adventist. The Adventist highschools are run into bankruptcy by poor financial management/greed/corruption. I can name several off-hand that recently closed.

The hospitals/colleges are money-making machines and (reportedly) there is an Adventist elite group who run them. Like a generational thing, their kids are groomed and automatically placed in leadership of hospitals/colleges.

Adventists are encouraged to pay a full 10% tithe plus 10-20% offerings and send their kids to Adventist education from gradeschool to super expensive Adventist university. This is why my folks have no retirement to speak of.

Then sports are discouraged, strongly. An Adventist kid who's good at football has to give it up for Jesus because football practice and games are held on the Sabbath. Add in professional musicians and any performance-based profession just for good measure.

In short, perhaps Adventism is more transparent financially and might do more monetary "good" than Mormons do. But there's still plenty wrong with it.

/r/exmormon Thread Parent