Hello r/amiugly, first time poster here. I've struggled with my confidence for two years! Please be honest.

r/confidence is one, I believe r/getmotivated may be of some use. r/SocialSkills is also probably what you are looking for. Then /r/MakingFriends , avoid r/introvert because it is focused on introversion, and not improving oneself, just complaining about it. Same goes for r/SocialAnxiety . You want to try and keep to productive subs. So you can focus on what you need to do and not be discouraged. Now, I should tell you that subs are useful, but you will only learn so much from them. Some of it you already know. The challenge is actually doing these things you learn. Thats why I believe getmotivated may be of help. Its fair to say that I had social anxiety, although I fear a diagnoses makes one believe it is a problem and not so much a trait they can work on. It is something that can be worked on. When I first started coming out of my shell, it felt awkward as hell. But after a while you realize that what you are doing is normal, and you begin to feel normal and not like a social pariah. How to meet people you may ask? Goto a social setting. I remember the first time I forced myself into a social setting, it was a meeting about joining an organization at college. BEFORE I went into the room, I spoke to someone outside in the lobby, and I think I realized that if I initiated something before the meeting, that person would come sit down next to me. And he did. He was a lot older than me, but I had a good time talking with him, I even learned a lot of useful things about my major and what classes I should take, and what professors were good. I think one think that helped conversation with him, is that I showed genuine interest in what he could tell me. Whether you are in college, high school, etc, social skills are a lot the same, the only thing that really changes is the social setting. If you need any info or advice, feel free to right click on my name and message me. You will get there if you want to.

/r/amiugly Thread Parent