[Question] Should I finish my current reading list before reading other books?

I have no idea, but after reading several self-help book, in my opinion, all that matter is the action. Reading too much self-help book is not really useful IF we don't apply that Constantly into our habit.

You know what? I have finished reading power of habit, willpower instinct, slight edge, models, how to win and influence friend, and i can't count how many self-help book that i pick up but i have yet finish that. Is my life improved after reading those many books? Mostly no. I kinda remember some part here and there but it was just that. My daily routine was still kinda shitty back than (wake up, eat, browse, game, porn, sleep, all day) despite i have read those motivating books.

After some reflection, i realize. That's enough. I don't want to delve too much on reading self-help book. Cuz you know what? I already know the answer. I should do this, i should do that, i should stop doing that. I know what i should do for my life. The book is just giving a boost of motivation or probably different kind of perspective of life. But that's it. Eventually, all that matter is whether we act on those advice or not. The action. That's all that matter.

Because of that. I felt. "That's enough". I don't need some sort of fake selfhelp-ecstasy feeling after reading. I don't want to read too much on those things anymore. I don't say that self-help book is useless. Even i still read some self-help book (i'm currently reading Mastery - Robert Greene) but what i want to emphasize is not reading as many self-help book as possible, but how i apply those knowledge, how i put those advice into my daily routine, How i act on those wise words. Cuz you know what? It's all that matter.

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