Help - I can’t set boundaries and this man will not leave me alone.

I agree and disagree. I wouldn’t say I strung him along because at no point did I tell him I actually liked him or wanted to be in a relationship with him. Not a week before he went on this trip, I told him I was having a hard time interpersonally and wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with anyone anytime soon and he still proceeded to obsessively text me while he was away. Updates with his flights, updates with his friends, presents he’s buying for me etc all while I’m not evening responding or sending vague responses.

I agree that bread crumbing is mean, but he’s pretty aware of my lack of being able to set boundaries correctly and people-pleasing. I have apologized for giving him mixed messages a tons - it’s 100% his fault, he can’t take a hint.

/r/relationship_advice Thread