Help from shaco mains

If you want to consistently win games on shaco, you need to think beyond invading and killing the enemy jungler at their buff. Especially at higher elo, enemy team is not stupid, they know what shaco tendencies are.

Before the game even starts, I analyze who my laners are and their summoners. As shaco, you are an aggressive jungler that aims to snowball lanes or yourself. That means if my toplaner is a riven and she is taking ignite, I am going to prioritize my first gank top 90% of the time. Likewise, if my toplaner takes TP and enemy toplaner takes ignite, I will first gank that lane to prevent it from being snowballed upon.

I typically start topside for several reasons: - It's safer from invades. If I'm playing against shaco, guess what I am doing? Invading bot side to trigger his boxes and set him behind. - Toplane is a long lane and is often very volatile. - If enemy jungler starts topside too (rare), there's less help from top + mid compared to mid + bot. Plus, they often get a small leash and take more damage.

Whether I do cross-map buff to buff is dependent on who the enemy jungler is. Is it someone weak early-game like amumu or warwick, or strong duelists like xin zhao or udyr?

If it's someone weak early-game, I invade opposite side and drop a ward next to their raptor/wolves if the enemy jungler isn't there. At the same time, pay close attention to enemy laners movements. If they disappear from the mini map or converging toward you, you need to know when to give up.

If it's a strong jungler, I don't invade and instead try to gank as soon as possible. I will either do all 3 camps one side to get lvl 3 and then gank, or do 2 camps and then gank (learn to allocate your boxes for different camps, you don't always drop 4 boxes at your red/blue). There's no cookie-cutter formula that says, you gank at lvl2 or lvl3, it entirely depends on game experience and your assessment of the game.

As a general advice for jungling, don't trap yourself in the mindset that you HAVE to get lvl3 with both buffs and then gank. This is especially important for shaco. I often prioritize putting meaningful pressure on the map over taking my buffs, because that's the way you have to play shaco to stay relevant in game.

Runes and masteries are easy to find online, but I go 12/18 with thunderlord. As for item builds, it depends on how much you value winning games versus enjoyment. If you want to win more games, you need to be more flexible and build according to what the team needs.

Bruiser/Tank core items: - Tiamat into Ravenous Hydra. Switch to Titanic after getting more hp items. - Cinderhulk - Deadman's plate for tank. Black Cleaver for bruiser. - Sterak's Gage

Burst/Assassin core items: - Tiamat - Infinity Edge (B.F. sword is only 1300 gold now, that's why you can rush it 2nd item after Tiamat) - Statikk Shiv - Sheen

You can mix and match items depending your play style and the game.

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