Help Me

Live for your dog. Dogs are very attached and loyal, they would never abandon us on purpose. Your dog will be wondering where you went and not understand that it wasn't its fault you felt bad and left. Who knows, maybe something good will come of it. If not, then decide what to do.

In a few months I'm going to be 35. My hair is falling out, my teeth are falling out, i got growths on me, absolutely broke, no friends, nobody who loves me, and tons of internal issues. I was planning to go and was thinking about my dog. Then I saw some dog rescue show where a dog was abandoned at a shelter. Whenever they walked him, he would search for his asshole owner. I couldn't do that to my dog, so I guess I have to stick around for awhile. Who knows, maybe something good will finally happen. I doubt it, least I'll have something that will love me no matter how ugly and poor I am.

/r/depression Thread