help me write something super snarky to national insurnace

Im not from the UK genius.

Don't care. Doesn't matter.

so this part, as im not from the UK, is completely irrelevant to me. UK is not the only place that has a "national insurance" type thing.

Don't care. What I said applies to any democracy that has such socialist schemes.

my problem is that my issue is rare enough that my countrys national insurance thing simply does not have a billing code for it. requirements for funding healthcare here are 1) must have a billing code 2) must be deemed neccesary by a doctor. i got 2) covered, i cant fix 1).

Well there's your problem right there, putting all your hope and trust in government. I can't say I'm upset that you're being prevented from exploiting innocent strangers who would be forced to pay for your shit against their will.

and i wouldnt accept a donation from you either because frankly you seem to be a cunt just based on how you talk. God forbid you ever have some power over anyone, apparently attitude matters to determine if one deserves healthcare!

No, attitude determines if you deserve charity, and you don't deserve charity with your attitude.

maybe cancer patients should die if theyre depressed from having cancer!!! and aids sufferers should be put down because they dont deserve treatment for getting it!!! jesus christ dude.

They should pay for their own treatment or beg for charity.

if i was in the UK, yes, probably. UK is significantly biggger country than me and i wouldnt expect health minister of UK to read everything he's sent. my country has a fraction of that population, not even 10%, So yeah our ministers actually do read everything. Hell you can even make an appointment with them if you want!

Hahaha, good luck with that. I'm sure like all politicians around the world, they'll really give a shit about your complaints.

Two, both of who were morons. (this includes you). The other third person was quite polite and did not insert their irrelevant opinions into this. unlike you for example.

It's your opinion that what I said was irrelevant. And who are you? Just someone who wants 'free shit' from other peoples taxes, that's who you are, so your opinion doesn't mean shit to me.

I like how you're on sanctioned suicide subreddit out of all things, and essentially start calling people lazy if they have some issue that brings them to suicide eventually and Literally go telling people that no one cares of them.

No, you're lazy because you refuse to get a job even though you can self-evidently use a computer all day. Something many jobs require.

LIke yeah maybe thats truth, but whats the point of that statement? you're just doing it for sake of being a shitty person, Which you certainly appear to be.

Boo Hoo, you didn't get your free shit from the government. Waaa waaa waaa give me my free shit! gimme gimme gimme

I actually think its hilarious that such an 'entitled' turd like you got turned down by the official dispensers of free shit.

But go ahead, don't let me stop you, write to your politician who hands out free shit and complain he didn't hand out free shit to you. After all, you're 'entitled' to free shit right?

Lol, pay for your own shit lazy moron. Get a job. You probably have a fake disease.

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