Help Request: Writing the r/civ FAQ

For beginners, civilizations with strong bonuses that do not deviate too far from normal play are recommended as they can serve as a reference point to learn more elaborate mechanics of other civilizations.

Sumer (Gilgamesh) - The War-Cart is a strong unique unit (UU) that do not require any technology to be produced and can be used for both early defense and conquest. There is another incentive to practice basic combat by capturing Barbarian Outposts as they also grant Tribal Village rewards (Gold, Eurekas, Inspirations, etc.). Science and Culture (if placed next to a river) the Ziggurat unique improvement (UI) helps progressing through the Technology Tree and Civics Tree a bit faster.

Rome (Trajan) - Roman cities start with a free building (i.e. a monument in the beginning) so they can move on to contructing districts or producing units as soon as they are founded. Roads will automatically connect cities together for better mobilization military units to defend against Barbarians and enemy civilizations.

Japan (Hojo Tokimune) -

**America (

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