Here’s why North Carolina’s GOP governor is ignoring the backlash to the state’s new attack on LGBT people | That said, I wanna toss out another theory, one that might explain why McCrory’s response to big business’ threats to abandon the state has been so blasé. That theory, in two words? Art Pope.

Sex is biologically determined, but it is a hell of a lot more complicated than "XY means Male and XX means Female." There is a lot of overlap, and a lot of exceptions to the typical conditions.

Sex is binary. But just as some people are born with 6 fingers, 11 toes, and a tail, that doesn't change the how we define a person.

This is not "propaganda", this is the recognition of every major US and world medical authority.

And you profoundly misunderstand the idea that gender is a social construct. It's like saying that race is a social construct,

But people in your sphere are claiming exactly that.

Obviously not.

Alexander the great was a man who preferred the company of men - but he was not "gay" because that category did not exist in his world.

Spare me this homo-washing revisionism of history.

With the anti-trans ordinances, what's to stop any person from going into any bathroom at any time anyway?

With bodily privacy protections in place for society's most vulnerable, threat of action by the authorities.

If a man wants to use the women's room he'll just claim he's a trans man. It's only trans women who are singled out in this stupid, pointless witch hunt.

If the LGBTQP ordinances go into effect, any male or any female can go into any bathroom of their choosing without regard to the privacy rights of their victims.

You're not going to require they prove they are transes in order for them to go into the wrong bathrooms, correct?

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