Hero cop bravely pepper sprays terrifying attacker brandishing a (possible) weapon

I'd like to throw in a little personal perspective. For years now the system has put pressure on good cops, cops who love people, who love the job, who chose to serve the community this way because their dad did, and their dad's dad before them, to get the fuck out of the service. Those in high office are removed forcibly, but those in the lower ranks are put under such intense pressure to do a) a service to the community while simultaneously b) meeting administrative demands and targets that the job becomes untenable. Add to the long hours and low wages the risk factor, that every call might be your last, and the job starts to become less a job and more a yoke.

There's a specific kind of person the service looks for now, and supports, and helps to the top. Take a look at this woman and that's the cop of today, the cop of the future. That's the thin blue line between order and chaos. The reason they want people like this is control. They want control and the people they employ are like them. Think about it. You're the boss of a company, who do you give the job to, the guy who you like, who shares your aims and your goals, your ambitions, your ethos, or the guy who opposes it? Cut off the head, and all that...

Which is where we come to the crux of the matter. The same people who want control freaks who were bullied in school and now find an outlet in the public with their pepper spray are the same people who want you, the public taking that pepper spray in the face, to come down hard on the cops.

I'm here to tell you an uncomfortable truth that will probably be ignored, downvoted or torn apart as libetarian bullshit, but from someone who has first hand experience of this from the inside out, you are playing into their hands. Race division. Class division and now division between chaos and order. Division between the public and the police.

Do you know what cops are hand fed in training these days? Hatred for the public citizen. Don't trust 'em. Don't give 'em an inch. They all hate you. They all want you dead. It's shoved down your throat, day after day until your peers are enforcing the same bullshit and everyone has an itchy trigger finger. Meanwhile you, the citizen, see posts like this. Ain't cops terrible. Bunch of sadistic self-serving bastards.

You shouldn't be a cop if you pull this shit, but someone has decided this truth has no place in a reality they're doing their level best to enforce.

Ask why. Ask who. Don't let them get away with it. Stick together. Class, race, sexuality and profession. Cop or citizen. Stick together. Stake out the common enemy.

/r/gifs Thread Link - i.imgur.com