Herpes Disclosure- How would you like to be told?

Yes, I'm very aware of how STI's work. I had a partner for 10+ years who was a STI research scientist. She helped develop the HPV vaccine and trialed a useless HSV vaccine.

I am aware of the prevalence of HSV1 & 2. I'm also aware that most STI screens do not screen for either of them unless you specifically ask. I am also aware, both from my partner and my own experience, that many medical providers will push back against an HSV test and say you don't need it.

And, in my dating profile, it says you must have STI test results from the last 3 months including HSV2. I also expect my partners to get tested every 3 months going forward - and they can expect me to get tested every 3 months, too. None of the people I date have had an objection to this, and if they did, I'd nope right out anyway.

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