Hey Do You Guys Know Any Teen Romance's for anime? PLEASE AND THANKS

Most romance in general are teenage romances, just ignore the ones that aren't.

Enlarge this one to see it better: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/ifo1vt/the_romcomdram_grid_64_romance_anime_roughly/

Romance Recommendation: https://imgur.com/gallery/OfYFe

Romance Recommendation: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime /comments/b79yso /i_see_a_lot_of_people_asking_for_new_romance/

Romance Recommendations: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime /comments/giquz6/125_anime_with_romance/

If you don't have one, and are asking for recommendations:

To help keep track of the anime you've seen (and to help us out as well, so we aren't giving you something you've seen) it'd be nice if you created an anime list at either: Myanimelist.net, anilist.co, kitsu, or anime-planet. All 4 sites are free and useful to have.

/r/anime Thread