Hi guys. Can anyone explain Ti function in detail to me and Also how different is it from Te?

Hi fellow introverted thinker

I guess I'll try :

The difference between Ti logic and Te logic is that Ti logic is "subjective", whereas Te logic is "objective"

Ti doesn't want to listen to external rules if they don't make sense to himself, Ti users will build their own entire framework of pragmatical decisions to rely on it (whereas Te is more like "let's all agree, as a society, to what is the right pragmatical decision")

Dom and aux Ti users (xxTP) use Ti as a way to understand what makes logical sense to them, it isn't directly about logic as most people say, but really more about "what makes sense, what is consistent"

When confronted to new information, Ti users cannot just admit it before filtering it through their Ti lens : if it is coherent, then they agree and add it to their framework, if it isn't, then they look if the mistake come from them or if it is the new information that is erroned. Te users would be more likely to accept new information if the source sharing them is trustful from their point of view

Having it as dom (IxTP) adds another level to it, Ti-doms spend most of their time refining further and further more what makes sense, it's how their brain is wired to act. For INTP, it means aiming to fill a neverending puzzle of what makes sense in everything (and each INTP will have its own way to look at this, it won't be necessary through sciences or maths, etc.). For ISTP, it means looking to understand the tangible world around them, what they see must makes sense (less sure on this one, I'm not an ISTP so feel free to correct sensor cousins)

In Aux Ti users (ExTP), Ti is more of a support/pilot function helping the Ne/Se lead, ENTP will seek new abstract ideas through a pragmatical lens, while ESTP will be keen to spot inconcistancies in their direct environment (again, not ExTP, so feel free to correct extraverted brothers and chad cousins)

I hope my POV as an INTP will help you !

Sorry for mistakes, obligatory "english not main language"

Have a nice day

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