Hi, I'm interested in learning about how you live your minimal lifestyle!

Why did you choose this lifestyle?
I don't like being wasteful, or being part of a consumer culture. I'm perfectly happy not taking part in the rat race.

How do you incorporate minimalism in your daily life?
Simple, I don't buy stuff and get rid of what I do not need. What I do have to purchase, I look for minimal packaging, or preferably, no packaging. Also, durability and design are important with items in my life, I only want to purchase something one time.

Has being a minimalist improved your life in any way? How?
In every way. There's no clutter in my life, no empty wants, no desire to keep up with the Joneses, the grass isn't greener on the other side. These things go a long way toward feeling happy and content.

Where/how does being a minimalist conflict with what society (job, family, friends) wants of you?
As others have mentioned, gifts. I don't like receiving gifts, every new thing in my life is precisely planned, I don't need someone throwing a wrench (plastic Chinese garbage) into the works. Though it rarely happens, I insist that all gifts should be in the form of donations to local animal shelters. People don't like this, they see it as conceited, no fun, and/or rude. People (locals/family/acquaintances) also see my lifestyle as progressive (it is), when most of them are god-loving meat-and-potato conservatives. This causes tension.

What are the difficulties of minimalism?
See my last answer. Also, there are some things you must buy, and often there isn't a minimalist option. Try going to a small-town grocery store and avoiding all disposable packaging, it's tough. I need to own a 4WD vehicle, and in being self-sufficient, I need to have tools to work on it.

What is minimalism to you?
It's keeping things simple, not being wasteful, not surrounding myself with clutter and shallow desires. It's also appreciating simplistic design and aesthetics.

How long have you considered yourself a minimalist?
20+ years. Started in high school after being introduced to minimalism in the punk/straight-edge scene, and now it's just my lifestyle.

Do you have any issues with sentimental items/gifts? What do you do with them?
This is my minimalist downfall. There are gifts from departed family members, things I've had since I was a child, that I just can't part with. I keep them in a small box in my garage, there are also some photos and artwork in this category that I display in the house.

Or, tell me whatever you want about how you're a minimalist. I'd like to hear anything about your life!
Just going to give a generic rundown. I'm a middle-aged man that lives in the rural Northwestern mountains. I work in IT administration, mainly (95%) from home. I'm striving to live completely off the grid (except Internet) someday. To conserve energy, my house is concrete, solar heated, and underground. My property is landscaped with indigenous plants, so I don't need a bunch of water, lawn tools, and herbicides. I'm vegetarian, and have no children. My hobbies are fitness, music (composition), wildlife/entomology, and outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and kayaking. Aside from a few online forums, I mind my own business and am I quiet person.

It's strange to talk about myself like this and I'll probably delete the comment soon.

/r/minimalism Thread