High level players (150+) with low kds.

That’s irrelevant, nobody talked about boosting.

Overall KDR is pretty meaningless for skill level, unless it’s casual. As you climb in skill level, your enemies and teammates also become much better at the game. Therefore it becomes more difficult to have a high kdr, right?

In your original example you said he had a 0.9. Now you’re giving an example where it’s 0.1. That’s just not relevant because it indicates the player probably couldn’t even hit a standing target. In theory a very high skill player could have a 0.9 but have better aim and map knowledge than someone with a 1.3, IF they’re playing in a high skill bracket.

Obviously I’m not trying to say the player you talked to was better, just trying to explain why Win/Loss and MMR is the end-all be-all of Competitive matchmaking.

/r/Rainbow6 Thread Parent