Hillary Clinton’s Wal-Mart ties breed mistrust among liberals, boost Bernie Sanders-"Alice Walton, the daughter of Sam Walton, the founder of the chain of big box stores, gave Mrs. Clinton’s Democratic National Committee Victory Fund $353,000 in December, a contribution just made public last month."

Just anecdotal, of course. But I used to work there.

Starting pay for most people was 7.25. Backroom and overnight was 7.75 and overnight got an extra 50 cents for the hours between midnight and 6am.

Annual raises were between 2 - 3% depending on "performance", as detailed in your review. People there less than a year are basically "not allowed" to have a good review. People in bad work centers, even if the work center was failing because of leadership decisions beyond their control are also not given good review scores, even if nothing negative is said about them individually. Oh, also if you did manage to score good raises consistently, you eventually top out at about $9/hour, after which you need to have the highest possible review score to get further raises, which of course they almost never gave out.

They had a "life resources" person on staff to help people sign up for government benefits.

They consistently cut hours for seasoned employees, while hiring new people, probably because new people cost less. They also refuse to give any kind of set schedule, which makes it nearly impossible to find a second job.

All of this varies in severity, store by store (I have worked at 3, in 3 different districts) of course. But in general all of these things are true to some degree. Like, one paid slightly higher wages, but gave less hours and wanted us to be on call. Another paid absolutely minimum but the scheduling was fair and they would work with you. Two had the life resources person, the third didn't mention getting government assistance, even though employees still obviously needed it. Etc.

People only think they are different because they pretend to be. They have built up this reputation by using buzzwords like "team members" and touting how much they care about their "team members" and reinforcing the idea of "fast, fun, and friendly" so that to an outsider, and even some of the more gullible employees that haven't worked a better job, actually believe the nonsense.

I have (slightly) more respect for Walmart at this point because as shitty as they are to their workers, at least they don't pretend to be otherwise and expect people to be stupid enough to fall for it.

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