The Hillary List

OK, I'll bite:

  1. She murdered Vince Foster to cover up that she once bought a tract of undeveloped land in Arkansas and lost money.

No, but the Whitewater land deal was just one of a number of shady dealings directly or tangentially involving the Clintons. (Note that Bill Clinton pardoned Susan McDoughal, his former partner in this land deal, before leaving office.)

  1. She murdered Vince Foster to cover up her role in firing the White House travel department.

No she didn't, but her behavior during this kerfuffle "led to a famous exchange in which high-profile New York Times columnist William Safire, who had endorsed Bill Clinton in the previous election, wrote that many Americans were coming to the "sad realization that our First Lady—a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation—is a congenital liar," The independent counsel "cited eight separate conversations between the First Lady and senior staff and concluded: "Mrs. Clinton’s input into the process was significant, if not the significant factor influencing the pace of events in the Travel Office firings and the ultimate decision to fire the employees." Moreover, Ray determined Hillary Clinton had given "factually false" testimony[63] when questioned by the GAO, the Independent Counsel, and Congress[61] about the travel office firings, but reiterated that "the evidence was insufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt" that she knew her statements were false or understood that they may have prompted the firings."

  1. She once invested in commodities futures on the advice of a friend and made $100,000, proving she’s a crook.

Well, it's a little bit more involved than that. " In a Fall 1994 paper for the Journal of Economics and Finance, economists from the University of North Florida and Auburn University investigated the odds of gaining a hundred-fold return in the cattle futures market during the period in question. Using a model that was stated to give the hypothetical investor the benefit of the doubt, they concluded that the odds of such a return happening were at best 1 in 31 trillion.[14]"

  1. She illegally sent classified emails from her personal server, except that apparently they weren’t classified at the time. 16. She may have cynically wriggled around the email law by “technically” complying with it.

She set up a home-brewed email server SPECIFICALLY for the purposes of getting around the Freedom of Information Act, and took a job KNOWING that the information she was privy to was subject to retroactive classification, and thus shouldn't be transmitted over non-secure servers, and did it anyway. This led our former Secretary of Defense to say that the odds are pretty high that China, Russia, and Iran accessed those servers. In addition, she requested that her staff take security markings off of at least one document prior to sending it over a nonsecure system.

  1. She once signed a lucrative book contract when she was a private citizen.

Technically speaking, it was a near-record advance, "Even before a deal was signed, the nonpartisan Congressional Accountability Project and Common Cause called on Mrs. Clinton to forsake the advance and take only royalties, saying any advance of this size deviated from the industry's customary practices. In 1995, House Speaker Newt Gingrich returned a large book advance from a publisher controlled by Rupert Murdoch, who was lobbying the House. Unlike the Senate, the House has since adopted a prohibition on all book advances."

  1. Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay says his “law-enforcement sources” tell him she is “about to be indicted” — and if a man once convicted of money laundering and conspiracy doesn’t have good law-enforcement sources, who does?

A former U.S. Attorney is also saying this. However a former State Department Inspector General says that it will never get to an indictment, but may be plea bargained down.

  1. She’s in the pay of the Wall Street banks.

This isn't even disputable. When can we expect the release of the transcripts from her speeches at Goldman Sachs?

  1. In order to suppress the billing records from her time at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, she cleverly packed them up and took them to the White House rather than shredding them.

Well, technically speaking -

  1. She’s got brain damage.

She's "often confused" according to her own aids. Whether you feel that a concussion that took six months to get over, according to her own husband, should be of concern, or whether you think she's totally fine, is up to you.

  1. She’s married to a sex addict. 55. She’s hostile to women who fool around with her husband.

You can marry whoever you want, but downplaying your husband's alleged assaults on women makes it awkward when you later say that "Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported."

  1. She sometimes calls her staff during dinner, even when they’re out at a restaurant.

That's one thing, but treating the people assigned to protect your life so badly that they actually look forward to visits from your husband's mistress? That's a spectacular level of poor people skills. or


Hillary's funding from private prisons, which need a constant stream of nonviolent offenders to remain profitable. She claims to have cut ties with them since.

Hillary's ongoing enthusiasm for keeping marijuana illegal, despite its minimal level of harm -

Her total disdain for the concept of single payer healthcare -

The fact that if she gets elected, Obama will be the only president in the 30 year span between 1989 and 2020 not named Bush or Clinton.

Anyway, that's just a little rant. If somebody wants to take some of this stuff and start putting it into a more objective list, have at it.

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