
Nobody mentioned states rights (although btw federal power did increase after the war, and every war since, typical cycle of history).

Literally all I requested of you is stop being an idealistic liberal (in the Marxist sense of the term) and look through the Civil War and ALL history - EVERYTHING - through the lens of dialectical materialism and class struggle. Something scientific and tangible instead of maudlin polemics.

Let me give another example : If you think the Third Reich could have arisen in any other historical context but ALL streams of history that guided Germany from the ancient tribes to feudalism to Reformation and so on, you are simply uneducated. Hitler could never have arisen in any Orthodox country for example even though European, because NS makes no sense without 9 centuries of Western philosophy detaching itself from theology slowly and being strange bedfellows with bourgeois occultism and the collapse of the unique system of the Holy Roman Empire and so many other factors. (This is why Western ideologies in general have been so caustic and strange in Eastern Europe btw - Orthodoxy has far outlived Liberalism, Marxism, and Fascism and stands on its own two feet. The Byzantine Empire never even had feudalism per se, but that's a whole other topic)

Do you understand yet ?