Hollywood actors and activists who are boycotting filming in Georgia for their new pro-life laws, but never spoke up when Hollywood crews filmed in countries that had much worse track records women's rights and oppressive laws, are simply hypocrites.

That would certainly explain the US victory in Afghanistan then. Look how fast our technology helped us find a 6’6 guy on dialysis in the barren mountains of East Afghanistan so quickly. The Taliban is gone too. If by home you mean in control of half the country. Don’t forget we killed the Taliban leader in just under 12 years with all that technology, too. If by kill you mean he died of natural causes while evading and killing US forces in his occupied country after 12 years. Yup, when you’re right you’re right. You win. No way no how could the most well armed civilians in the world defeat the US military.

Thank you for contributing. I hope you’re not allergic to or offended by learning. It’s not an attack for someone to point out you have no clue what you’re talking about.

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