If you have a soul sucking of a job that pays decent amount of money, you should stick to it!

I was working as a teacher and was at a school that was beyond awful. The whole experience made me depressed. I ended up quitting after the school year ended and went back to subbing. I’m much happier. I don’t get the benefits, but I don’t have the all the issues that went with the classroom and the political bs that goes on. My blood pressure is normal now and I may go back to teaching eventually but I am so glad I didn’t stay at the school. They got another administrator who makes the teachers miserable and just fired all the teachers with their masters because they don’t want to pay them more. My parents wanted to me to stay there and deal with it for another year for the benefits. However, it would have sent me to the insane asylum .The fact that I survived a year is impressive enough for me.

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