In honor of 1000 subscribers we bring you the marvelous informative participatory PEAK TRANS THREAD!

continued.... So I did email the organizer and broke down some of the basic reason why "transwomen are women" is problematic (you all know them). And then I also got a PM from said special transladee asking me the same thing. So I sent "them" the same explanation I'd sent to the organizer. 2 hours later, I get a private email from the organizer asking me to leave the group "of my own volition" (whatever tha fuck that means) saying that I was a threat the said special-trans-ladee. I was floored...seriously...I just walked into that fuckin naive was I? Of course the organizer and the trans-specialoftheday were conspiring. Why was I surprised? idk

Anyway (being someone who has a traumatic past of being rejected by my female peers) I sat there in pain and disbelief for a few mintues, but then, fuck that, I'm not going out quietly. So I did a FWD reply-all to the organizers request for me to leave, saying that I was heart broken and that I feel I had made it pretty clear that I accept said trans-breakfastspecialladee while reserving my difference of opinion of certain issues.

Well, surprisinglynotsurprisingly, the proverbial shit hit the fan...but NONE of it hit me! Can you believe it? I guess I generally don't have that much faith in my fellow women to stand up to shit-that-aint-right. Idk, maybe I've just know shitty people most of my life. But there were several responses from other members of the group condemning what the organizer had done, and supporting me in my right to disagree, including another trans woman who defended women's right to female-only spaces. So long story longer, the designated leadership team met over the issue and decided that I was still welcome in the group, and that members will be allowed to "debate until they are blue in the face" so long as they are respectful. And of course they reaffirmed that trans women are welcome in the group....which is fine, I never said they shouldn't be. I just did want one flexing their still-intact male privilege to silence women in a women's space!

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