Hope Hicks Implicates Jared Kushner in Lying About Trump-Russia Contacts

It appears that anyone who worked in the west wing ends up hating Jared and Ivanka. Including President Trump who reportedly has asked Priebus Kelly and Mulvaney to get rid of them. She won’t let it happen and keeps inserting herself into policy initiatives that she has no business talking about. Having worked in GOP politics, I can tell you that they hate these two and feel that they are partially to blame for the president’s legal issues and lackluster foreign policy. She thinks she’s a feminist hero because she spouts horseshit but she’s just a moron with a powerful dad. Just like Meghan McCain and Liz Cheney and Abby Huntsman and Sarah Huckabee. Republicans screamed about how they want to stop political dynasties after Bush and Clinton. And now there are thirsty bois at the Donald who she’s ivankas big dumb boobs and say Ivanka 2024!! She doesnt like a single MAGA policy. If AOC wasn’t so short sighted she’d be propping Ivanka up rather than exposing her for the fraud that she is. Morons like Ivanka and Meghan McCain gaining stature and power within the gop will do more harm to their chances than anything else other than maybe a war with Iran. Kushner is a fool.

/r/politics Thread Link - motherjones.com