How can I protect my daughters privacy?

I am by no means an expert on this subject. However through my involvement with Scouts Canada, I have had to take a class on the proper way to handle information like this because I am responsible for hoards of children at a time without parents present. I feel fairly confident that based on that training I didn't do anything to "taint" my daughters account. At least I made a conscious effort not to. I followed the procedure that training gave me. The time it took to get the details (which are very little) was spent convincing my daughter that sharing her secret would not mean I wouldn't let her be friends with the victim anymore, and convincing her that she was being a good friend by telling an adult. After that, she did all the talking.

Also, I just had an update from the school councilor. She says she is obligated to report this to "Children Services". Turns out both HER and Children Services are obligated to protect our anonymity. However she fears that when the parent of the victim is notified, the mother will react and grill the child for details on who she told at school, hence, involving my child.

I suppose this answers my original question.

I'd like to add that my wanting to protect my daughters innocence has in no way affected my ability to do the right thing for the victim. I'm proud my daughter knew to tell an adult about this based on OUR conversations in the past about what's acceptable and what's not. But when she feels safe to tell me such a big secret, I don't want her to feel betrayed, preventing further secret telling in the future. It's a delicate situation that I am sure can't fully be appreciated unless you are a parent in a similar situation. I am sure there is a right way to have that conversation, but I want it to be with me, and not blindsiding her with strangers at school.

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