How can Riot say that Dynamic Ranked is "indisputably better" than Ranked Teams?

I'm so much on the other side of this. Last season i played with my IRL on a rank 5 Team. My solo queue rank is low plat (i'm top), my midlaner and jungler are mid diamond and my bot lane unranked (ADC was diamond season 4 (My support and ADC hates solo queue)) We enden up getting the team to diamond (lost it on not playing). From Team queue Plat 3 and up, we mostly went up against teams with players that was diamond, sometimes a mix with diamond and plats, a few times we even met a team with one or two masters/challengers (In plat 1 we ran into them a lot -.- )

For me in the beginning, it was so frustrating to always meet a diamond player in the lane. But this made me such a better player overall, and when you finally start to beat them in lane its worth it all. What is even better is beating a team that have a challenger or master on it. Yeah there was a lot of struggle for me, special cause my work makes me have big break in my league play. But for me there is nothing better to get home, join up with my friends and beat some smart ass solo queue guys, that think they are just as good in rank 5. I think the team rank should stay, cause there are so many out there that might not have a high or low enough rank, to join up with their friends in dynamic queue. For me removing team rank queue is doing the upper sit of what Riot wants, it would be against team play, instead of supporting it. For me two things can fix this, either remove the restriction or let Team Rank stay.

No normals is not a solution, in team rank you actually feel like you are accomplishing something together, which makes your friendship, coordination and team play so much stronger.

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