How to deal with depression in a relationship?

I understand the concept, it’s like the Logical part of the Brain is in constant competition with the Emotional part, and in people with Depression the Emotional part is winning. I’ve heard the argument from my wife and others say the same thing over and over, “I understand I have no reason to feel this way, I just can’t help it” it’s the “I just can’t help it” part I don’t get. I worry about and check in on my wife constantly, and one of the things we both agree on is if she has thoughts of self arm she is to notify me immediately, regardless of my thoughts on depression that’s the main thing I watch for. My brother took his own life in 2017, I found him after he overdosed and preformed CPR until paramedics arrived but they were to late. And he was a comedian and as far as I knew had no issues with depression, or at least didn’t tell me about it. So her “depression” (though, I may not understand it) has me on high alert 24-7.

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